highlights from How Not to be Wrong 🌱

  • This book has had a pretty significant influence on my interests overall, what I chose study in college, and my career path, because it gave me a new, refreshing perspective of math. Before reading this book I thought that math was pretty boring, and I didn’t have much of an interest in applying math to situations in my daily life or pursuing a career focused on building mathematical models.
  • Jordan Ellenberg illuminates many misconcpetions about math that I had growing up. You don’t need to be a prodigy to be an accomplished mathematician, math is actually quite useful in every day life, and math can be fun.
  • Most importantly the book examines some problems that seem simple and boring at first, but when looked at through a mathematical perspective become quite interesting.
  • Some of my favorite questions this booked examined include: is there a definitive way to say that an elected candidate is the β€œcorrect” candidate, are there secret messages hidden in patterns within holy texts, and Buffon’s needle.

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